Everyone seeking registration as an architect in Australia is required to successfully complete the APE unless exempted through a mutual recognition agreement, eligible overseas assessment process or the AACA Experienced Practitioner Assessment.

The APE is a national competency-based assessment in accordance with the 2021 National Standard of Competency for Architects (2021 NSCA). The 2021 NSCA identifies the skills, knowledge and capabilities required for the general practice of architecture in Australia.

The APE ensures that individuals who are admitted to a register of architects in any state or territory in Australia have an adequate knowledge and understanding of the practice of architecture in Australia and the capacity to exercise professional skill.

The APE is conducted twice each year and comprises 3 parts.

APE Part 1: Submission of AACA Logbook and Statement of Practical Experience

When preparing your submission for the APE Parts 1 and 2, you must refer to the key documents on the AACA website.

APE Part 2: National Examination Paper (NEP)

Candidates who have met the eligibility requirements for APE Part 1 are eligible to sit the National Examination Paper (NEP). When preparing for the NEP, you must refer to the key documents on the AACA website.

The NEP is a scenario-based exam that tests knowledge and application of the relevant performance criteria in the 2021 NSCA. It is a ‘closed book’, remote proctored computer-based assessment comprising 80 multiple-choice questions to be completed in 120 minutes.

Candidates must pass the National Examination Paper before being admitted to Part 3: Examination by Interview.

APE Part 3: Examination by Interview

Candidates who have passed the National Examination Paper are eligible to be admitted to the Examination by Interview. When preparing for the Examination by Interview, you should refer to the key documents on the AACA website.

The Examination by Interview assesses a candidate’s range of work and their capacity to demonstrate and communicate adequate practical application and experience of the 2021 NSCA. Interviews run for 45 to 60 minutes and are conducted in person by experienced registered architects at the APBSA's premises in Adelaide.

Upon successful completion of all 3 parts of the APE you can apply for initial registration as an architect in South Australia by completing Form 01- Application for Initial Registration as an Architect in South Australia.

APBSA recommends that APE candidates consider undertaking either or both of the Australian Institute of Architects — PALS (Practice of Architecture Learning Series) program or the Association of Consulting Architects (ACA) — Keith Neighbour Graduate Study Program to support them with their preparation for the successful completion of APE.

Information sessions are held for prospective and current APE candidates prior to each session. Click here for the 2024 information session material.

2024 APE Graduates with Minister Champion, Hon. Michelle Lensink MLC and Hon. Jane Stinson MP.

2024 Architectural Practice Examinations

The first session of the APE will commence on 16 January 2024 with the briefing for candidates.

The second session commences on 5 July 2024.

The schedule for 2024 can be downloaded from Graduates forms and facts.

The Board recommends that graduates attend the Briefing Session held before each APE Session commences.

Part 1 Candidates
Please be aware that no extension of time can be granted beyond the closing date on the schedule.

Part 2 Candidates
The National Examination Paper (NEP) is now conducted online with remote proctoring. It is highly recommended you select the venue carefully and ensure it is quiet and inaccessible to others for the duration of the exam.

Part 3 Candidates — Important Information
Please note that if you are re-sitting Part 3, or have deferred Part 3, or have passed Parts 1 and 2 interstate but wish to sit Part 3 in South Australia — you must notify the Registrar of your intention to sit Part 3 at least one week before the scheduled date of the NEP in the session you wish to sit Part 3. To be approved as a resit candidate you need to resubmit your Logbook/SoPE which must be updated since you last sat Part 3.

The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia (AACA) has more important information about the Architectural Practice Examination, including the timeframe to sit all parts of the examination, and eligibility for re-sitting parts of the examination you have previously attempted. A reference guide for candidates is also available, along with a sample Examination paper and answer sheet.

2024 important dates

To apply for the APE in 2024 complete the Application Form for Parts 1 & 2; and Part 3 when you have successfully completed Parts 1 and 2.

Apply now and follow the steps for APE Candidate.

Make sure your application documents are all there, and in the order required, and all the documents are combined into one pdf document. The application fee can be paid via the payment gateway when the application is completed.

Here are the important dates for the APE in 2024.

Session 1

Tuesday 16 January 2024 (no charge). Bookings are essential. You will be informed whether the briefing will be via Zoom or in person (venue to be advised).

Applications for Parts 1 & 2 and logbook submissions
Due Monday 29 January 2024

National Examination Paper (Part 2)
Tuesday 9 April 2024

Interview (Part 3) applications
Open Thursday 9 May 2024
Close midnight Sunday 19 May 2024

Oral Examination (Part 3)
Week starting 3 June 2024

Session 2

Friday 5 July 2024 via Zoom (no charge).
Please email [email protected] to receive the Zoom meeting link.

Applications for Parts 1 & 2 and logbook submissions
Due Monday 15 July 2024

National Examination Paper (Part 2)
Tuesday 17 September 2024

Interview (Part 3) applications close
Friday 25 October 2024

Oral Examinations (Part 3)
Week starting 11 November 2024

All Part 3 resits, deferrals and interstate candidates
Notify the Registrar of your intention to resit one week before the NEP of the session you intend to resit/sit the interview. Your updated Logbook/SoPE must then be submitted one week after the NEP. You will be notified if your application is accepted.

Apply to be an APE Candidate

The APE is a national examination conducted jointly by registration boards in each state and territory, and the AACA. The Board encourages all candidates to access the AACA website and read through the information for the APE, including the Handbook and attend the APBSA briefing session before each Session. Applications for the Architectural Practice Examination are submitted to the registration board in each jurisdiction.

To register to attend the APE Briefing or to apply to sit Parts 1 & 2 or Part 3, please apply now. If submitting your application for the APE Parts 1 & 2, or Part 3, please make sure you have the relevant documentation in pdf format ready to upload. Once submitted, you will be taken to a payments page to make payment by EFT, Cheque/Money Order or Credit Card. Please print the invoice for taxation purposes.

Application and fees

To apply complete the application form for parts 1 & 2; and part 3 when you have successfully completed parts 1 and 2. Before completing the application form for parts 1 & 2 make sure you have your logbook and Statement of Practice Experience completed and the Statutory Declaration signed. The complete document should be in one PDF and in the order set out in the application form, and in the checklist here. Please note that late applications will not be accepted and incomplete applications will be returned.

Application fees for the APE 2024 are:

Parts 1 & 2
$620. Resit fee for Part 2 only: $260

Part 3

Application fees may be subject to change (including CPI increases).

Application documentation

Candidates should carefully read these instructions as they are preparing their submission to ensure they have met all the requirements of APE Part 1 Eligibility.

It provides a checklist of documents to be submitted along with advice on completing the AACA Logbook and writing the Statement of Practical Experience. Candidates should note that APE Part 3: Examination by Interview is informed by the Logbook and Statement of Experience submitted by the candidate in APE Part 1.

The following documents are required to be submitted for the APE Part 1 in the following order:

Document 1

1. Logbook PDF generated via the AACA online Logbook Portal including:

  • APE Competency Summary (page 1)
  • Non-Project Hours (page 2)
  • List of Projects and Experience Allocation (page 3)
  • Performance Criteria Summary (page 4)
  • Detailed project pages (from page 5 onwards).

2. Statement of Practical Experience (SoPE) including:

  • 1-page summary Curriculum Vitae (CV). Your CV is not included in the 2000-3000 word count.
    Your submission will be rejected if your CV is more than 1 page.
  • 2000-3000 word detailed description of at least 2 projects.
    Your submission will be rejected if your detailed description of projects exceeds 3000 words.

Every project in your SoPE must be verified by an appropriate person.

Where experience has been gained in an architectural firm under architect supervision, every verification must state “I confirm the candidate’s description of the project and the candidate’s involvement” and include the relevant supervising architect’s full name and State/Territory architect registration number.

Where experience has been gained under the supervision of an individual who is not a registered architect in Australia, such as work in an allied field, work overseas, or independent work, every verification must state “I confirm the candidate’s description of the project and the candidate’s involvement” and include the supervisor’s, or other professional’s, or client’s name, relevant professional credentials and contact details. Clients should only be relied on for verification as a last resort.

If you are unable to obtain a verification from your supervising architect, other supervisor, other professional, or client, you must still provide the name and contact details of that person together with an explanation for why the verification could not be obtained.

3. APE Performance Criteria Report downloaded from the AACA website and completed. (This is not included in the 2000-3000 word count for your SoPE)

4. References if required (for allied industry employees and sole-practitioners)

If you are logging experience gained not as an employee of an architectural firm under the supervision of an architect, you must include references from two employers. At least one reference should be from a referee within your current workplace. References should note the projects where the referee worked with you and your applied level role in those projects.

If you are logging experience gained while self-employed, you must include references from 2 professionals within the construction industry that you have worked closely with, such as a structural engineer, builder, or other consultant or (as a last resort) the client. References should note the projects where the referee worked with you and your applied level role in those projects.

Document 2

  • A copy of your MArch Degree Testamur or letter/certificate of completion of an alternative pathway. You must ensure that the full face of the testamur or letter of completion of an alternative pathway is submitted. The academic qualification must be specifically mentioned in the SA Statutory Declaration. Alternatively, you may provide a copy of the degree testamur or letter of completion of an alternative pathway that is certified by a Justice of the Peace.
  • Evidence of your legal name. You must lodge your application in your legal name and provide evidence of that legal name (eg. Drivers Licence or Birth Certificate – 100 points of ID is not required).
  • Evidence of change of name, if relevant. If your academic qualification or letter of completion of an alternative pathway no longer reflects your legal name, you must provide evidence of your name change such as a Marriage Certificate or Change of Name Certificate issued by the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages. The Certificate of Name Change must be specifically mentioned in the SA Statutory Declaration. Alternatively, you may provide a copy of the certificate that has been certified by a Justice of the Peace.
  • SA Statutory Declaration signed by a Justice of the Peace, Notary Public or Legal Practitioner that declares that the documents are true and correct records of your architectural experience and qualification.


  • Your submission will be rejected if your SA Statutory Declaration is not properly witnessed.
  • Your submission will be rejected if you rely on a Commonwealth Statutory Declaration.

Application Identification

Please upload a certified copy of your drivers licence, a certified copy of your degree/s and a certified copy of document 1 and document 2.